Parameter files

There is no requirement to put parameters in a separate file to use Sumatra, nor is it required to use a particular parameter file format. However, if you do use one of the formats Sumatra supports then you will gain extra functionality: currently, the ability to modify/add parameters on the command line and to have Sumatra automatically add the record label to the parameter file; in future versions, the ability to search and filter your records based on parameters.

Supported formats


Each parameter on a separate line, in “name = value” format. Values may be numbers, strings or lists (denoted with square brackets, comma-separated). Comments are indicated by a leading “#”. Example:

# Example parameter file
nx = 10   # } grid
ny = 12   # } size
inputs = [1e-3, 2e-3, 5e-3, 1e-2]
label = "default"


Traditional config file format, as parsed by the standard Python ConfigParser module. Note that this format does not distinguish numbers from string representations of those numbers, so all parameter values are treated as strings. This format allows one level of nesting: you can create sections within which you can define parameters. Comments are indicated by a leading “#”. Example:

    a: 2
    b: 3

    c: hello
    d: world

See the ConfigParser docs for more details.

NeuroTools format

NeuroTools parameter format is essentially the same as JSON, but with the addition of a url() function which allows sub-parameter sets to be included from other files. Example:

  "network": {
    "excitatory_cells": url("")
    "inhibitory_cells": {
      "tau_m": 15.0,
      "cm": 0.75,
  "sim": {
    "tstop": 1000.0,
    "dt": 0.11,

Adding new formats

If your parameter file format is not supported by Sumatra, there is no problem: Sumatra will treat your parameter file as any other input data file and pass it directly through to your simulation/analysis script.

However, it is fairly straightforward to add support for a new format. You will need to write a Python class according to the following skeleton:

class MyParameterSet(object):

    def __init__(self, initialiser):
        # initialiser could be either a filesystem path or a string containing
        # the contents of your parameter file, and should raise a SyntaxError
        # if it cannot make sense of the contents.

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        # return the parameter or sub-parameter set with the given name

    def __eq__(self, other):
        # must be implemented

    def __ne__(self, other):
        # must be implemented

    def as_dict(self):
        # return the parameter set as a Python dict containing only numerical
        # types, lists, or other dicts.

    def save(self, filename):
        # self-explanatory

    def pop(self, k, d=None):
        # same behaviour as Python dict

    def update(self, E, **F):
        # same behaviour as Python dict

    def pretty(self, expand_urls=False):
        # Return a string representation of the parameter set, suitable for
        # creating a new, identical parameter set.
        # expand_urls is present for compatibility with NTParameterSet, and need
        # not be used.

For this version of Sumatra, you will have to include this class within the file of your Sumatra installation, or send it to the developers to include in the Sumatra repository (see Developers’ guide), as well as editing the build_parameters() function within so that it tries to use your class. In the next version of Sumatra, we plan to include a plugin system which will greatly simplify adding your own customizations.