=============== Getting started =============== Let us assume that you already have a project based on numerical simulation, which you wish to start managing using Sumatra, and that the code for this project is under version control. Note that the following is equally valid if your project is based on data analysis rather than, or as well as, simulation: just mentally replace "simulation" with "analysis" in the following. Change to the working directory for your project, and then create a new Sumatra project in this directory using the ``smt init`` command:: $ cd myproject $ smt init MyProject where ``MyProject`` is the project name. This creates a sub-directory named ``.smt``. Sumatra tracks data files created by your simulation by searching for newly created files within a given directory tree. By default, it assumes that your simulation will create files in a sub-directory ``Data`` of your working directory. (You can change this by providing the ``--datapath`` option to ``smt init`` or ``smt configure``.) Now let's run a simulation. We will assume that your simulation code is written in Python_, and that you run the simulation by executing a file called ``main.py``, passing it the name of a parameter file on the command line, i.e., you would normally run a simulation using:: $ python main.py default.param To run it using Sumatra, you would use:: $ smt run --executable=python --main=main.py default.param Now we can see a list of the simulations we have run:: $ smt list 20121017-114820 This shows the label for each simulation we have run. Since we did not specify a label, one was automatically generated from the timestamp. To see more detail, use the ``--long`` option:: $ smt list --long -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Label : 20121017-114820 Timestamp : 2012-10-17 11:48:20.421631 Reason : Outcome : Duration : 0.119576931 Repository : GitRepository at /path/to/myproject Main_File : main.py Version : 560a4afae1565799a29ca259b6a400aa389e59dd Script_Arguments : Executable : Python (version: 2.7.1) at /usr/local/bin/python Parameters : seed = 45245 : distr = "uniform" : n = 100 : tau_m = 20.0 Input_Data : [] Launch_Mode : serial Output_Data : [output.dat(dcb86788c2c793804a04e683fae99ad0bac8fb99)] Tags : (most options also have a short form, ``-l`` in this case.) It is a bit tedious to have to tell Sumatra which simulator and which file to run every time. Presumably, the name of the main file changes infrequently and the simulator almost never. Therefore, these can be set as defaults for a given project:: $ smt configure --executable=python --main=main.py (you could also have given these options to ``smt init``. ``init`` is used to create a project and ``configure`` to change its configuration later, but they mostly accept the same arguments). Now you can run a simulation with a much shorter command line:: $ smt run default.param To see the current configuration of your project, use the ``info`` command:: $ smt info Project name : MyProject Default executable : Python (version: 2.7.1) at /usr/local/bin/python Default repository : GitRepository at /path/to/my/project Default main file : main.py Default launch mode : serial Data store (output) : ./Data . (input) : / Record store : Relational database record store using the Django ORM (database file=/path/to/my/project/.smt/records) Code change policy : error Append label to : None Label generator : timestamp Sumatra automatically records the identity and versions of the simulation files and the simulator executable, stores links to any files created by the simulation, records any error messages, the date and time at which the simulation was run, and its duration. You may also add your own annotations, in several different ways. On running the simulation, you can specify a unique label, and the reason for which you are running the simulation:: $ smt run --label=haggling --reason="determine whether the gourd is worth 3 or 4 shekels" romans.param After the simulation is complete, you can add a description of the outcome:: $ smt comment "apparently, it is worth NaN shekels." This adds the comment to the most recent simulation. You may also describe the outcome of an earlier simulation, by specifying its label:: $ smt comment 20121017-114820 "Eureka! Nobel prize here we come." You can also tag a simulation record with one or more short keywords:: $ smt tag foobar $ smt tag barfoo and remove tags:: $ smt tag --remove barfoo The parameter file may be in any format - it is your script which is responsible for reading it. However, if it is in one of the :doc:`formats that Sumatra understands ` then it is possible to modify parameter values on the command line. Suppose ``default.param`` contains a parameter ``tau_m = 20.0``, as well as a number of other parameters, then:: $ smt run --reason="test effect of a smaller time constant" default.param tau_m=10.0 will generate a new parameter file identical to ``default.param`` but with ``tau_m`` equal to 10.0, and then will pass this new parameter file to your script. This can be very convenient when you wish to study the effects of changing one or two parameters, without having to edit your parameter file each time. One of the main aims of Sumatra is to ensure the reproducibility of simulation results. The ``repeat`` command re-runs a previous simulation, and checks that the output is identical to that of the original run:: $ smt repeat haggling The new record exactly matches the original. Although it is better not to delete simulation records (so as to preserve a full record of the project, false starts and all), it is possible:: $ smt delete 20121017-123706 It is also possible to delete all simulations with a given tag:: $ smt delete --tag foobar Most of the commands described here have further options that we have not described. A full description of the options for each command is given in the :doc:`command reference `. The full list of commands is available by running ``smt`` by itself:: $ smt Usage: smt [options] [args] Simulation/analysis management tool version 0.4.0.dev Available subcommands: init configure info run list delete comment tag repeat diff export upgrade sync and help on a given command is available by running the command with the ``--help`` option, e.g.:: $ smt comment --help Usage: smt comment [options] [LABEL] [COMMENT] This command is used to describe the outcome of the simulation/analysis. If LABEL is omitted, the comment will be added to the most recent experiment (any existing comment will be overwritten). If the '-f/--file' option is set, COMMENT should be the name of a file containing the comment, otherwise it should be a string of text. Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -r, --replace if this flag is set, any existing comment will be overwritten, otherwise, the new comment will be appended to the end, starting on a new line -f, --file interpret COMMENT as the path to a file containing the comment or ``smt help CMD``, where ``CMD`` is the name of the command. This tutorial has covered using ``smt`` for serial simulations/analyses. A further tutorial covers :doc:`using smt for parallel computations ` (using MPI_). Also see :doc:`smtweb `, which provides a more graphical interface to viewing lists of records than ``smt list``. .. _Python: http://www.python.org .. _MPI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_Passing_Interface